MultiAPPRO 3rd Project Meeting
The MultiAPPRO partnership were met on 10 and 11 December 2018 for their 3rd Coordination and SC meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The host of the meeting was Ministry of infrastructure of Slovenia. The meeting was divided into two sections. The first section took place on 10 December among the partners who presented the process of the meeting, discussed any project issues and defined the future goals and steps for the project. The second section took place on 11 December and host the first meeting of the Intermodal Transport Network (ITN), a body of experts developed within MultiAppro and its main goal is to achieve a common and coordinated approach for the solution of existing lacks, as well as in the planning and development of intermodal transport system at a regional level as a whole for the collection and solution of bottlenecks. GATES, as external consultant in MultiAPPRO, participated actively in both sections.