
MultiAPPRO 5th Project Meeting

The MultiAPPRO partnership were met on 28 October 2019 for their 5th Coordination and SC meeting in Treviso, Italy. The host of the meeting was the Codognotto Holding. The coordinator of the project presented the progress of the project and the partnership discussed any project issues and defined the future goals and steps for the project. GATES participated actively as an external consultant in MultiAPPRO.


9th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR)

GATES attended the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), which took place in Athens in 24-25/10/2019 and has been co-organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH). The spotlight theme of the 2019 Congress is: ‘Transportation 4.0: The Smart Evolution’.