GREEN-C PORTS – General Assembly
On the 16th of June, the Green C Ports partners have organized a virtual General Assembly to share the progress in the project and to plan the next steps towards a successful completion of the project’s tasks.
In this case, it was the 2nd Plenary Meeting after the Kick-Off meeting celebrated in Valencia. This virtual meeting was organized as an alternative to the physical meeting originally planned in Venice. Due to global lockdown caused by COVID19, the face to face meeting was not possible.
The meeting had 5 hours of duration and it was divided into two sessions: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. In the morning session, the general progress in Activity 1 was presented. Each partner could present its ongoing progress and the work done in tasks T1.2, T1.3 and T1.4. In the afternoon session, an open discussion about Activity 2 was carried out by the partners too.