

1st Progress Meeting of ALFION-INFRA

On April 12th, 2024, the 1st Progress Meeting of ALFION-INFRA convened at Igoumenitsa port, with all project partners in physical attendance. This session proved highly beneficial, facilitating the discussions on the progress, the barriers and the action planning for the next period.

Igoumenitsa Port AuthorityGrimaldi GroupHellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator SA (HEDNO)Laboratory for Maritime Transport, NTUAPROTASIS SAHYDRUSGATES Ltd


3rd Project Meeting of CENTAVROS

The 3rd Project Meeting of CENTAVROS Project took place on 24th November 2023 at Rogan Associates S.A.’s offices in Athens. Partners convened to discuss the overall progress during the first 13 months of the project, highlighting the key findings and challenges faced by all parties, while also planning the crucial future steps for the development of Shore-Side Electricity, Wave Energy and Infrastructure Upgrading at the port of Volos.



2nd Technical Newsletter of Ciport

The 2nd Technical Newsletter of the CEF funded CIPORT project is out! The project focusing on the required designs and final studies for SSE infrastructure development in the cruise terminal of Piraeus Port is progressing, producing results and valuable lessons of SSE implementation and operational approaches.
Check out the newsletter for more details on our project’s updates and news and stay tuned for the next steps in introducing sustainable practices in Piraeus Port!


Ciport at 6th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems…

CIPORT CEF project was presented at the 6th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles (Esars) and International Transportation Electrification Conference, 28-held in Venice on 28-31 March. Prof. John Prousalidis had the opportunity to demonstrate the technical specifications required to introduce shore-side electricity supply at the cruise terminal of Piraeus port and analyse the critical issues of such implementations.
#SSE, #portsustainability, #energytransition
#PPA_COSCO, #HEDNO, #LaboratoryforMaritimeTransport, #PROTASIS, #HYDRUS, #GATES


8th International Conference on Ship Operations, Management and Economics

CIPORT and EALING CEF projects were presented at the 8th International Conference on ship operations, management and economics #SOME2023 on the 8th of March. The project was presented by Christos Gerakarakis, Projects dpt Manager of PPA, who provided an insight on the other side of the equation of “electrification in shipping”.
#SSE, #portsustainability, #energytransition
#PPA_COSCO, #HEDNO, #LaboratoryforMaritimeTransport, #PROTASIS, #HYDRUS, #GATES


Centavros – Technical visit at the port of Volos

Assessing the “as-is” status of the port of Volos is the first milestone for the development of the SSE studies in CENTAVROS CEF project. Gates, as a member of the consortium, realized an on-site visit at the port of Volos on 10th March 2023, to record port infrastructure, operations and traffic flows and characteristics, necessary to estimate the energy demands of the port.