
2nd SUPAIR Project Meeting

In the framework of the SUPAIR project, the second project meeting among the partners was held on June 12-13, 2018 by Port Authority of Piraeus (PPA SA) at its premises. The project meeting was divided into two sections. The first section took place on June 12 and concerned the Internal Capacity Building Workshop on SUPAIR “Guidelines for Sustainable and Low-carbon Ports”, while the second section took place on June 13 and focused on project management issues and the forthcoming steps and actions of the project.






Balkans and Black Sea Cooperation Forum

GATES and WECAN Cluster attended the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum, which took place in Athens in 30/5 – 1/6/2018. Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum is an independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental economic conference, striving for economic cooperation, business relations and sustainable growth across South & Central East Europe and beyond.